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INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS (ICF) are forms or molds with built-in insulation for accepting reinforced concrete. Initial patent application for an ICF was registered in the late 1960s since then, and particularly in the last decade, ICF construction is gaining huge popularity in the mainstream construction as the preferred as the contemporary building product worldwide.These large, hollow blocks are stacked right off of the truck and filled with reinforcing bar and concrete. The end result leaves you with a high-performing wall that is structurally sound, insulated, strapped, has a vapor barrier and is ready to accept final exterior and interior finishes.



INSUGREEN® is EPS insulation Panels by Alrayyan Insulations. EPS Insulation is a cost effective thermal insulation product is among the highest priorities in construction. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam is a closed-cell insulation manufactured by “expanding” a polystyrene polymer; the appearance is typically a white foam plastic insulation material. INSUGREEN® panel offers a Flame Retardant Insulation.

INSUGREEN® when used as a component in an engineered building system, helps to resist some of the toughest conditions nature can deliver, like rain, snow, wind, dust, heat and cold.


EPS Decorative Structures

It is an excellent solution for all your decoration needs, whether it can be Exterior, Interior, Exhibitions, Art, Advertisements, Construction etc. Decolite® is a revolutionary product made of Fire-retardant EPS material at our state-of-the-art facilities Decolite® offers you an one stop solution for custom decoration in construction. Decolite® is available with proper surface finishing as well whenever required.